+668-2745-2154 [email protected]

Back 2 School

Back 2 School

Teams buy school supplies and backpacks that will be donated to underprivileged children.

A shopping list and a tablet PC showing locations to purchase items will guide the teams as they race through the local Chinese market. Once an item has been selected, the price may need to be negotiated with the vendor and the item paid for.

Before starting out, a short introduction on how to use the tablets and complete the activities will be provided. In addition to this, teams will be provided with an instruction manual and a kit bag. Each location will have a task or activities that can be discovered on arrival and need to be completed before moving on. All participants are encouraged to work together to gain points along the way. Locations and scoring can be seen for all teams and is updated in real time.

Learn more by completing the form to download the brochure.



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