+66(0) 6356 29993 [email protected]

Flight of the Gibbon

Flight of the GibbonTeam Building Combo Packs

Join this award winning interactive treasure hunt combined with zipline adventures.

Equipped with a tablet pc, instruction manual, compass and map the teams need to find their way to a choice of a variety of spots / challenges / tasks and puzzles. Either in Chiang Mai city, exploring the markets, temples, cultural sights, and more, or at the Mae Kampong local village community.

Each location quest can be opened on arrival. While competing against other teams, strategic choices need to be made, because teams can see each others locations and scores in real time via the tablet pc.

The zipline adventure requires teams to note what they need to observe and recall during the adventure for further points included in the tablet pc on their return.

Available Programs

• Combo Ziplines & Village
• Combo Ziplines & Chiang Mai City
• Follow up Programs
• Extra Services

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Team Building Staff

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