Not all Teams are the Same Now that we have an understanding of the background of teams and potential strengths of individuals that can be utilized in a team environment, we can begin to explore how these can begin our exploration into what types of teams there are...

Statistics, Science, and Assumptions On the playground in my pre-teens my best friend and I were never picked for the football (soccer) team in the top 50% when selecting teams during lunch breaks. And there was also one or two clumsy guys who were always picked last....

Enabling Effectiveness Everything is continually evolving, and so it’s important to remember to recognize that teams are guided by a dynamic process, even if we wish for them to remain constant. Now with the rate of change nowadays in the digital and science world...

Size Matters For centuries, societies and military organizations have grappled with the challenge of determining the ideal size for a group. Interestingly though, across all cultures, societies tended to from similar sizes. For instance, pre-modern villages around the...

Ambiguity With a firm understanding of what teams are, we can begin discussing what it is that actually helps to make teams work together well. It seems that all industries now accept that team work is important. For instance, it is common for job advertisements to...

Genesis For millennia, flora, fauna, and human-kind have had the need to do things in groups to achieve objectives in order to survive and develop. So it is no surprise that a word such as ‘team’ developed in many languages and has become a commonly used term across...

Teambuilding has existed for decades, with the earliest known teambuilding programs dating back to the 1950s. However, it has become more prevalent in recent years due to the changing nature of work and the increasing emphasis on collaboration and communication in the...