by ppitbun | Mar 10, 2017
Dynamics Group dynamics is the understanding that people take on distinct roles and behaviors when working in a group which effects the roles and behaviors of other group members, and the group as a whole. It since has been found that groups with a positive dynamic...
by ppitbun | Feb 25, 2017
Mission Well defined goals and targets are imperative to improving performance and achieving your mission. When goals are absent from the teams focus, people and teams quickly settle into routines that fail to stimulate innovation, problem solving, pro-activeness and...
by ppitbun | Feb 20, 2017
by ppitbun | Nov 25, 2016
Phnom Penh Team Building: Discover Hidden Gems and Strengthen Bonds Join a treasure hunt team building event in Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital, to explore iconic city architecture along the Mekong River, strengthen team bonds, and uncover hidden gems. Download...
by ppitbun | Nov 25, 2016
Vientiane Team Building: History and Serenity in a Laid-Back City Team building activities in Vientiane are a must due to the vibrant city’s cultural experiences and adventure. These activities help strengthen bonds and create camaraderie among teammates....